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Severe weather and flooding continue to impact Far North Queensland. This includes Townsville, Cairns, and Ingham regions.
There are delays, and we are managing the situation closely and transporting consignments when safe to do so.

Fill 1 Created with Sketch.

Severe weather and flooding continue to impact Far North Queensland. This includes Townsville, Cairns, and Ingham regions.
There are delays, and we are managing the situation closely and transporting consignments when safe to do so.

Track Your Parcel

Use your consignment number to find out the status of your delivery. Need to tack more than one parcel? Enter up to three consignment numbers to track multiple deliveries at once.

Track multiple parcels here

Developer Integrations

Find our integration URL guides here. 

Integration with your systems

For integration support, contact our team at

View our EDI integration specification:

EDI Integration Specification

View our agent integration specification:

Agent Integration Specification

View our API documentation to integrate our API with your website:

API Documentation

Border Express Remote Support

For remote support please click the button below when instructed by a Border Express technician. This will allow us to remotely connect to your computer and provide support.

Remote Support