Health & Safety
Our BE SAFE strategy seeks to drive a simple yet inspiring message that the safety and wellbeing of not only our team members but also the community is always a focus and priority.
We strive for safety excellence
Through our safety leadership, Border Express works vigorously to achieve the highest possible safety standards to ensure everyone returns home safely to their family. Border Express will achieve our BE SAFE objectives by:
Commitment to Wellbeing
Border Express’s commitment to our BE SAFE value also encompasses the health and wellbeing of our employees. Border Express provides many support areas to ensure not only the physical health of our team members but also their mental health and wellbeing.
As such, we strive to support our team members by providing platforms such as:
• Employee assistance Programs
• Mental Health First Aid Officer
• Injury Response Program (Early Intervention)
Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
CoR (Chain of Responsibility) is to make sure everyone within our supply chain shares equal responsibility, for ensuring risks associated with operating a Heavy Vehicle, are eliminated and if not practicable to do so reduced so far as is reasonably practicable.
We have implemented a risk-based approach at managing risks within our supply chain that seeks to address:
• Fatigue Management
• Mass and Dimension
• Load Restraint
• Speed
• Vehicle Maintenance
Safety first culture
We monitor and report on key safety metrics and include both employees and contractors in our data.
We measure our Lost Time Injury Frequency, which is the number of reported work- related incidents where a person is unable to work for a day (shift) or more per 1,000,000 hours worked.
We also measure a Medical Treatment Injury which is an injury or disease that resulted in either a level of treatment given by a physician or other medical personnel under standing orders of a physician or where suitable duties are recommended per 1,000,000 hours worked.
Safety education
We continue to drive our efforts to educate our team members and customers on the importance of safety. With the introduction of our BE SAFE value award, we continue to drive a safety first culture which embodies leadership, inspiration and a continuously ever evolving commitment to always improve on safety.